IPC360 and IPC360 PRO are no longer updated, please use IPC360 Home APP in the future.
Download IPC360 Home For PC
Support win7 and win10 computers. Does not support mac computer.

How to use IPC360 Home For Pc?
Please note that: you need to add the camera done in your phone first and then you can use the PC to view the vide.
Otherwise it will prompt an error: There is on device go and bind the device

- Please open the Installer and select the language to install. such as English.

2. Please log in the app after you install. Just double click the cam , you will view the video.

Why does the software prompt enter Original binding account?
PC software prompt is asking for ‘original binding account’.
Set the camera password in Camera Settings > Encryption Mode > Customized Encryption and enter it in the PC software to view it.
This software does not ask you for any camera information and states that the camera’s are offline, when in fact they are not. There is no settings button or anything and there were no prompts when installing in on Windows 10.
did you ever figure the problem out. I’m having the same problem, cameras are online, but can’t access anything.
What should I entre here:
please enter the original biding account
Why does the software prompt enter Original binding account?
PC software prompt is asking for ‘original binding account’.
Set the camera password in Camera Settings > Encryption Mode > Customized Encryption and enter it in the PC software to view it.
nie można wejść w Tryb szyfrowania w aplikacji
U mnie w programie IPC 360 widzę kamery lecz po dwukrotnym kliknięciu w kamerę pojawia się komunikat: Loading i nic dalej się nie dzieje. Nie może załadować obrazu.
Czy ktoś miał taki problem?
Jak go rozwiązać?
I installed IPC360. Don’t upload a video. it only shows black screen.
Ask for assistance.
i have the same problem…..black screen….i see the camera, the ip, the lan ssid…but i have no video feed
Para poder usar você precisa tirar a criptografia padrão e colocar em criptografia personalizada. isso no aplicativo do seu celular. depois de feito isso quando for no computador e clicar na câmera, vai pedir uma senha e essa será a que você criou quando colocou na criptografia personalizada.
Awesome. It worked. Thank you.
I have the same problem. I suspect the problem is that this software only lets you see recorded videos and not the live camera. I hope this is not the case as I want to login and view the live camera.
I had the same problem, but I got it working. Click on your camera’s name (even though it says offline) until you get a Yes/No question box. Click Yes. You should get a black screen, but you should also see the IP address under your camera name. Now, at the bottom, click on the play button. It will ask you for your security password.
a gdzie wpisac hasło bestpieczenstwa nie ma takiej opcji w aplikacji
problema : riconosce la telecamera con indirizzo ip difatti il ptz control funziona bene la telecamera risponde ai comandi ma schermo nero, quando clicco 2 volte su icona in alto sinistra inizia il loading ma poi il software si blocca e non va piu, non riesco a vedere ne diretta
I encountered a similar issue, but I managed to resolve it successfully. Follow these steps:
Click on your camera’s name, even if it appears offline. This action will prompt a Yes/No question box.
Click “Yes.” Although you may encounter a black screen, you should be able to view the IP address beneath your camera’s name.
Locate the play button at the bottom and click on it.
The system will request your security password. Enter it accordingly.
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the problem and regain camera functionality.
Impossible to get this camera going for me. I need help but i tried all the solutions from here…NOTHING…
Ik heb wel beeld op de smartphone, maar niet op de pc enkel zwart beeld, en men vraagt om binding account, waar vind ik dat ?
Для России не работает!
what is the original binding account?
the account that you used to register/login with on your smartphone app.
Why does the software prompt enter Original binding account?
PC software prompt is asking for ‘original binding account’.
Set the camera password in Camera Settings > Encryption Mode > Customized Encryption and enter it in the PC software to view it.
Stroll UP you can see with image
Why does the software prompt enter Original binding account?
PC software prompt is asking for ‘original binding account’.
Set the camera password in Camera Settings > Encryption Mode > Customized Encryption and enter it in the PC software to view it.
Stroll UP you can see with image
IP360 This app (for Windows) does not work or run on a Windows 10 PC. fix those problems in your app, please.
Vše funguje win11 64 bit,,jen nevím kde se ukladá nahravaní videa ,,,píše users app data roaming nelze v pc najít.
When I want to turn on the camera on my PC, it works on my smartphone. The Video Security window program asks me for the original binding account.
What is it?
I install it, but… this is androind emulation on PC, with a bluestacks… So.., i uninstall it…