You can use blurams cameras on windows or MAC computers
blurams login
Use your browser to visit blurams for PC, then enter your blurams account password to log in.

After login in to blurams for PC, you can see the camera and double click on it to view the video.

How to use blurams for PC?
After login you can use blurams camera, if you don’t see camera, please use blurams APP to add camera first.
How to view blurams video on computer?
blurams for PC only supports viewing cloud storage, you can’t view video from memory card.
The website to view my devices and events and “live” are no longer working. Are there issues with the site? I’ve logged out and back in and still doesn’t work. Seems it’s been down for about 2 days now. Tried 2 different laptops, same problem.
Me too. no more work. Only android app working.